“6 Life Coaching Principles of Andrea Hammer”
It’s YOUR Life! YOUR Journey! YOU CREATE Yourself!
Realize that this process belongs SOLELY to YOU!
Do not hold anyone else accountable!
1. Your Thoughts Create Your Reality!
Pay attention to what you are thinking. Thoughts are energy. They produce feelings and emotions which directly affect YOUR ACTIONS infused from that energy.
YOUR actions give you your results: which are the rewards or consequences in your life.
Be conscious to intentionally think positive, happy, productive thoughts. What you put out into the Universe – You get in Return!
2. BE EXCITED – Not Afraid!
Excitement moves you forward. Fear holds you back.
Just because you may not know something at the moment, doesn’t mean you need to fear it, nor – that you cannot do it.
WE are all capable of “learning something new every day”. Say: “Yes! I will try! Most often you will discover, “Yay! I can!”
With a positive, hopeful attitude, let the day unfold! Be excited about what you can discover!
3. “You” or “Your Body” will decide its well being!
YOU can purposely take care of yourself now, HAPPILY, while you are ABLE, -OR- Your body will unhappily force you to take care of yourself when you are disabled!
* Eat chemical-free, nutrient-dense foods to reduce toxicity in the body
* Drink more fresh water to hydrate; flush toxins; lubricate brain, heart, joints; lower blood pressure; regulate body temperature
* Go for a walk outside in sunshine to feel the lifeforce of Mother Nature
* Lift something heavier than your fork or your toothbrush, (The MaxPAC®, dumbbells, weights) to “Build Lean Muscle”.
* Spend time with friends, hold hands and/or kiss someone you love to “Feel Loved”
ALL these boost your own daily DOSE of healthy biological chemicals that make you feel good!
Dopamine: Brain chemical that influences your mood and feelings of reward and motivation. “Get Sh*t Done!
Oxytocin: Brain chemical called the “Love hormone” that promotes feelings of love, social bonding, and well-being. “Give 5 HUGS today!”
Serotonin: Neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, social behavior, appetite and digestion, sleep, memory, and sexual desire. “Spend time in Nature and Sunshine!”
Endorphins! Neurochemicals that reduce pain/anxiety and boost pleasure. “Get Your Heartrate Up! Run! Dance! Play! Exercise!”
Am I being helpful or hurtful to MYSELF? To other people?
Can I be more Patient? Friendly? Kind? Knowledgeable?
WE ALL have something Amazing, Wonderful and UNIQUE within us that someone else can benefit from!
* Give of Your Heart, Your Head and Your Hands in service to others in some way that lifts their spirits-and yours!
* Contribute to the Uplifting of Humanity
* YOU either make the world a better place because YOU are in it – or you don’t.
5. Look for the Joy!
Are you Joyful? Or- Are you Joy-FULL?
Often times, we go along our lives (sometimes slogging through it) until an event or occasion occurs that spikes our joy, our happiness for the short term(wedding, birth of a baby, vacation, new house, etc.) Then, after the hoopla of it is over, we deflate back to our regular mood.
Though those are all wonderful and they are truly meaningful experiences, how Joy-FULL is your tank every day just being ALIVE, ON THIS SIDE OF THE GRASS?
Being aware of the beauty and grace that surrounds you creates a more elevated way to live your life. It’s called Gratitude.
If your eyes can see blue sky, if your legs can take you on all your adventures, if you have peeps in your life, a place to live, food to eat, a mess you get to clean-and you LOVE IT ALL- Then, you have a Joy-FULL life!
6. Feel the Peace!
When you are quiet and “peaceful” inside, that internal energy will guide you to a peaceful resolve on the outside.
For a calm response, not a frantic reaction, be a candle flame – steady, illuminating, and long-lasting.
Not a sparkler – furious, scattered and quickly burnt out!
Create “Peaceful Power; Powerful Peace!”
“When you can live peacefully within yourself, it is then, that you can live peacefully with others.”