The body needs optimal nutrition at a cellular level to work, not just properly, but Radiantly! Whole – living foods feed your cells, when you feed yourselves!
I teach my students how to “Eat Nutrients – Not Pollutrients”. I don’t use the word DIET – the first 3 letters of diet are DIE!. If you eat a health-ful “diet” you won’t need to be ON one!
Instead, I teach people how to read food labels and learn about the chemical additives. I teach how to make delicious power foods and smoothies!
Cleaning toxins from the body
Toxins are found in the environment, food, and even the negative thoughts we think. These all cause weight gain, illness, disease, stress and anxiety.
Don’t forget sleep!
Sound, restful sleep is needed for cellular repair and renewal. Without good sleep, your body runs poorly and your immune system is further weakened. Learn restful sleep practices!