Walk Your Pooch to Walk Off Your Pooch!
In observance of National Dog Day, incorporate your family pet into your fitness routine!
Each Day Anew
You need a happy & healthy head, heart, and your hands (body) to do it, and be grateful for it! That’s what I help you do. So, I wrote a poem about it and I want to share it with you.
Eat right to melt cellulite!
Cellulite is a collection of fat, stored toxins, and water that are trapped under your skin. It is a result of your system being clogged up and not detoxifying properly.
Fitness Focus! Get More OUT of your WorkOUT!
Want to get more out of your workouts? Use more body parts, in more directions, more consciously!
Mindfulness = Stress-Less-Ness
By truly paying attention to what’s going on around us, instead of operating on auto-pilot, we can reduce stress, unlock creativity, boost performance, and lead a happier, more peaceful life.